Weak-bodied man, tall and burly that has engulfed the age long quiet step toward the gallows. Both hands shackled behind. But his eyes still shining put faith in the future of the country and its people. His face did not show any fear or fear to face the atmosphere of death. He was so gallant though death was waiting not for a while longer. He smiled urged the events he went through so he was arrested and convicted in a hanging rope., Here is the video...Here
The sacrifice of the beloved country. He contented heart what he has done so far. He redha his chosen path alone. Briefly earlier when he justified bersolat dawn, he bowed down so long that the blood of all its members slipped into numb-numb pitted and pray to Allah Hadhrat s.w.t. God to forgive his sins and beg Him for that country and the people are free from the shackles of colonialism. He has agreed to meet his Maker now.
There was silence in the cool morning stabbed hearts, crying uncontrollably sound envelops those who are around him. They looked at 80 year old man was grimly. Tears individual can not be detained, shed like pearls falling. For those who were around the prison grounds and in other places, also merasainya, all of them conscious THAT has reached and the time when he will be sentenced to hanging until death that morning. Pelusuk news spread throughout the country. Each raised his hands catch up to the sky for forgiveness from Allah Almighty and gave stage high to him and placed together with those solehin and para-anbiya.
Not a moment passes, the morning the quiet coolness of the morning was broken by shrieks blared cried tears when they saw the rope gallows neck menjerut their hero Omar Al-Mukhtar. Desert lion had returned to his Creator on 16 September 1931 in the city of Solouq. Done already struggle against Italian colonialism, but the struggle will be continued by the child watan.
Omar Al-Mukhtar was seen as a symbol of heroism against the Italian occupation for the Libyan people. Since Italy began to grip the country in October 1911. He has been a pioneer spirit of the Libyan people sparked the embers ignite people's struggle against Italian colonialism.
Shaheed Pole Hanging
Gelora struggle also fascinate more and victorious Libyan people crowded spawned jihadists such as As-Swaihli Ramadan, Mohammad Farhat Az-Zawi, Al-Fadeel Bo-Omar Solaiman Al-Barouni and Silima An-Nailiah.
Italian master of business done by attacking Libya and control of towns on the coast such as Tripoli, Benghazi, Misrata and Derna in a row, one after another fell into the hands of the Italian invaders. Nonetheless, Omar often be a stumbling block to them. He was able to evoke the spirit of the struggle of the Libyan people against Italy with strong fighting spirit.
Their struggle has created some great battles. Major battles took place in Al-Hani near Tripoli on October 23, 1911, Ar-Rmaila near Misrata, Al-Fwaihat near Benghazi on the Mac in 1912 and Wadi Ash-Shwaer near Derna.
The struggle of the Libyan people produce brilliant-resounding triumph. Omar-led fighters have been involved in heavy fighting in Al-Gherthabiya, near Sirt in April 1915. Italy lost thousands of soldiers. Battles like these often apply make Italian invaders were forced to return fire that takes a long time, year after year to take control of this country.
Even though so in the end, the areas that are retained by the mujahidin fall into the hands of the invaders. The fall of the region-by-region makes the fighters left his home and headed into the mountains. They never remain silent continue to devise various strategies to attack countered.
In 1922 Omar has formed a collection of the mujahidin and menggegarkan back operations struggle against Italian colonialism all over the country. He gathered back the mujahideen in The Green Mountain (Aj-Jabal Al-Akdar), Southeast Courant Libya. At the end of this case occurred after the first World War and at that time the Italian occupiers thought about THAT they are able to fully immerse the struggle of the Libyan people. Jangkaan Italy turned out mistaken.
The struggle which sparked back it makes the authorities Italians feel they are in a very depressed, the danger suddenly came often threatening. They do not want to let the struggle for freedom is increasingly widespread. Then the Italian central government, which is renowned for its cruelty Badolio frequent blood thirsty for the Libyan people have taken action diratahnya ketenteraan to soak the coals of the struggle.
Badolio not sahaja ditugas to menumpaskan Omar Al-Mukhtar and his troops. In fact, he was also given permission to kill the Libyan people who gave support and assist the mujahideen in which nevertheless they are.
Not much later dictator Musolini send commander who behaved more unjust than Badolio. He took over the task Badolio and formed a task force which is typical for menumpaskan movement headed by Omar and more crowded act to kill innocent Libyans. The commander who dihantar by Musolini this in mind for instance may resolve the issue directly Libya is Rodolfo Grasiani. In fact, the cabinet has promulgated THAT Musolini typical Grasiani arrival will make the atmosphere in Libya can be fully escorted.
"If not with me, then they are my adversaries"
Grasiani agree to go to Libya on the condition that there are no rules that can stop it from doing various actions on Libya to include rules -peraturan Intl. He may do so without hindrance and Blocking follow his will for the benefit of Italy. Before coming to Libya, he went to Morj, Switzerland to devise an attack against Libya.
Draft Grasiani dipersetujui entirely by Musolini because he adheres to the principle of "if it is not with me, then they are my opponent". Thus Libya to master the various rules and lawful manner, no longer care as much where boarding is involved and how many innocent prey had to be sacrificed.
Grasiani action in Libya is cut off, insulate and prevent any type of relationship with the Mujahideen and with neighboring countries that give aid and also supplying weapons declaration to the Libyan fighters. She cultivated barbed wire along the 300 km, height of 2 meters and a width of 3 meters from the harbor Bardiyat Slaiman North Libya to Al-Jagboub Southeast Libya.
He also maintains that escorted neatly centered kem where thousands of Libyan people must live in the supervision of the Italian army. She cultivated many camps are like this in Al-Aghaila, Al-Maghroun, Solouq, and Al-Abiyar. Overall the Libyan people feel depressed and oppressed inflicted this Grasiani. They live like animals in a cage there is no freedom.
At the end of the month November 1929 largely Libyan people are forced to live in camps in Al-Jabal Al-Akdar, Mortaf-Aat Al-Tahir of Beneena North until Ash-Shlaithemiya South, from Tawkera to Courant southern desert Balt Abdel-Hafeeth.
The lives of the Libyan people in the camps is very terrible. Thousands of Libyan people starved to death, many were Blaschke shot or hanged because disyaki help fight the mujahideen leader Omar al-Mukhtar.
In 1933, Chairman of the Military Forces Occupation Army ill-health of Italy, Dr Todesky wrote in his book titled 'Cerinaica Today'. In his book, he mentioned that from May to September 1930, more than 80 thousand Libyans were forced to leave their land and live in these camps.
Each set of Libyans who numbered 300 at a time gets tight escort of the Italian army. Todesky said THAT the end of 1930 all the Libyan people are forced to live in these camps. A total of 55 cent of 80 thousand Libyans died in the camps.
The Libyan historian Mahmoud Ali At-Taeb expressed THAT in November 1930 there were at least 17 burial ceremony a day in the camps from starvation, disease and mental stress supreme not covered by normal humans.
Outside the camps, Mujahedeen who survive in a mountainous area continues to struggle against Italian colonialism. However, in 1931 the Mujahideen ran out of food stocks and bekalan Perubatan. Mujahidin leader, Omar al-Mukhtar, fell ill and many of the Mujahideen asked him to stop fighting and leave Libya and hide in neighboring countries that sympathize with their struggle for a while so kesihatannya recovered as usual and arrange struggle back on. However, he rejected the offer and still continue the struggle against the Italian army.
On tenacity and courage against the Italian occupation, then he held as the 'Lion of the Desert'. Even though in the end, old age is not able to make it last to bear arms to continue the struggle. He was arrested and sentenced to hang. Prosecution and punishment remain to be done without regard to the Act which country each others as defined in the 'Geneva Agreement' in terms of considering the stage of Omar Al-Mukhtar ill-health and old age are exempt from the law allows him hanging rope.
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"Life let noble, let me die a martyr. 'Ish' Azizan aumut syahidan! " |
Increasingly ruination bara heroism provide an opportunity for Italy to continue his ideals and finally Italians can master Libya after fighting for 20 years. Italy is only able to power in Libya so that 1943 sahaja due to its defeat in the Second World War. Libya then under the rule of the allied forces to liberate Italy 24 Disember 1951. Libya on 21 Disember 1951. Now pentadbiran Libya under Colonel Muammar Abu Minyar al-Qadhafi who seized power on 1 September 1969 and establish a socialist state and the combination between Islam , Libya alienated than the outside world due to Blocking by the UN which became the mastermind ekoran United States of America and the Lockerbie incident in September 2003 Blocking loosened because the economy against Libya Muammar Al-Qadhafi gave cooperation in the Lockerbie case.
Where She Omar Al-Mukhtar 21st century?
That quick-paced story of Omar Al-Mukhtar who fought to the last bead of blood. His tale has been filmed. History is often exchanged for independence was never extinguished while there is the earth and the sun, only the exchange is colonialism in a new form of colonialism that is in the form of political, economic, educational, social, cultural and forth and make the local leader as a puppet to his master. This applies in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Kashmir, Chechnya and other countries Muslims are forced to comply with the kuffar countries namely the United States of America became a great power of a single country or world policy without competition after the destruction of the Soviet Union in the 80s. Then the cold war's over into ballast between the two great powers that debuted world economic and political influence at the time. Is there a heroism as indicated by Omar Al-Mukhtar in the country's Muslim community today!
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